Polk County Schools
- Elementary Schools
- Middle Schools
- High Schools
- Prep - Private - Special Education
- Year-Round
- Charter
- Colleges
Elementary Schools
Alta Vista Elementary
801 Scenic Highway
Haines City, 33844
Phone: 421-3235
Fax: 421-3344
Principal: Victor Duncan
Alturas Elementary
4th and Oak
Alturas, 33820
Phone: 519-3917
Fax: 519-3923
Principal: Dr. Dodie Haynes
Auburndale Central Elementary
320 Lemon Street
Auburndale, 33823
Phone: 965-5450
Fax: 965-6390
Principal: Virginia Cummings-Lang
Babson Park Elementary
815 N. Scenic Highway
Babson Park, 33827
Phone: 678-4664
Fax: 678-4669
Principal: Kenneth Henson
Bartow Elementary Academy
590 S. Wilson Avenue
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7410
Fax: 534-7218
Principal: Carol Borders
Ben Hill Griffin Jr Elementary
501 McCloud Road
Frostproof, 33843
Phone: 635-7820
Fax: 635-8500
Principal: Patti McGill
Berkley Elementary
5240 Berkley Road
Auburndale, 33823
Phone: 968-5024
Fax: 968-5026
Principal: Randy Borland
Bethune Academy
900 Avenue F
Haines City, 33844
Phone: 421-3334
Fax: 421-3243
Principal: Sharon Knowles
Blake Academy
510 Hartsell Avenue
Lakeland, 33815
Phone: 499-2870
Fax: 284-4521
Principal: Dr. Gwen Kessell
Boswell Elementary
2820 K Ville Avenue
Auburndale, 33823
Phone: 499-2990
Fax: 284-4251
Principal: Pam Wingate
Brigham Academy
601 Avenue C SE
Winter Haven, 33880
Phone: 291-5300
Fax: 298-7913
Principal: Bill Londeree
Caldwell Elementary
141 Dairy Road
Auburndale, 33823
Phone: 965-5470
Fax: 965-5473
Principal: Deron Williams
Carlton Palmore Elementary
3725 Cleveland Heights Blvd.
Lakeland, 33803
Phone: 648-3510
Fax: 648-3122
Principal: Lori Morrison
Chain of Lakes Elementary
7001 County Road 653
Winter Haven, 33884
Phone: 326-5388
Fax: 326-5391
Principal: Lynn Boland
Churchwell Elementary
8201 Park Byrd Road
Lakeland, 33810
Phone: 853-6011
Fax: 815-6538
Principal: Betty Fitzgerald
Cleveland Court Elementary
328 E. Edgewood Drive
Lakeland, 33803
Phone: 499-2929
Fax: 499-2625
Principal: Daniel Lunn
Combee Elementary
2805 Morgan Combee Road
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-2960
Fax: 284-4421
Principal: Steve Comparato
Crystal Lake Elementary
700 Galvin Drive
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-2966
Fax: 603-6329
Principal: Joseph Griffin, Jr.
Davenport School of the Arts
8 W Palmetto Street
Davenport, 33837
Phone: 421-3247
Fax: 421-3662
Principal: Brian Kier
Dixieland Elementary
416 Ariana Street
Lakeland, 33803
Phone: 499-2930
Fax: 499-2932
Principal: Debbie Henderson
Doris A Sanders Learning Center
1201 Enchanted Drive
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-2980
Fax: 603-6326
Principal: Debra Peavey
Dr. N.E. Roberts Elementary
6600 Green Rd
Lakeland, 33810
Phone: 815-6633
Fax: 815-6640
Principal: Tonia Howe
Dundee Elementary
215 E Frederick Ave
Dundee, 33838
Phone: 421-3316
Fax: 421-3317
Principal: Constance Jones
Eagle Lake Elementary
400 W Crystal Beach Rd
Eagle Lake, 33839
Phone: 291-5357
Fax: 291-5360
Principal: Jodie Bailey
Eastside Elementary
1820 E. Johnson Avenue
Haines City, 33844
Phone: 421-3254
Fax: 421-3256
Principal: Sharon Hartwig
Elbert Elementary
205 15th Street NE
Winter Haven, 33881
Phone: 291-5364
Fax: 291-5363
Principal: William Dawson
Floral Avenue Elementary
1530 S. Floral Avenue
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7420
Fax: 534-5003
Principal: Sheila Dyer
Frostproof Elementary
118 W. 3rd St
Frostproof, 33843
Phone: 635-7802
Fax: 635-8501
Principal: Kim Vanhook
Garden Grove Elementary
4599 Cypress Gardens Road
Winter Haven, 33884
Phone: 291-5396
Fax: 297-3061
Principal: Deborah Compton
Garner Elementary
2500 Havendale Blvd. NW
Winter Haven, 33881
Phone: 965-5455
Fax: 965-5459
Principal: Dart Meyers
Gause Riverside Academy
1002 6th St Ne
Fort Meade, 33841
Phone: 285-1144
Fax: 285-1146
Principal: Bob Grocki
Gibbons Street Elementary
1860 E. Gibbons Street
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7430
Fax: 534-7472
Principal: Ava Brown
Griffin Elementary
3315 Kathleen Road
Lakeland, 33810
Phone: 853-6020
Fax: 853-6189
Principal: Terry Broadnax
Hartridge Academy
1400 Us Highway 92
Winter Haven, 33881
Phone: 956-4434
Fax: 956-3267
Principal: Debra Richards
Highland City Elementary
5355 9th Street SE
Highland City, 33846
Phone: 648-3540
Fax: 648-3542
Principal: Chris Roberts
Highlands Grove Elementary
4510 Lakeland Highlands Road
Lakeland, 33813
Phone: 648-3002
Fax: 648-3005
Principal: Cindy Franks
Hillcrest Elementary
1051 State Road 60 E.
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 678-4216
Fax: 678-4086
Principal: Damien Moses
Horizons Elementary - Opening August 2008!
1700 Forest Lake Drive
Davenport, 33837
Phone: 419-3430
Fax: 419-3432
Principal: Leshelle Seay
Inwood Elementary
2200 Avenue G. NW
Winter Haven, 33880
Phone: 291-5369
Fax: 291-5370
Principal: Rena Wood
Janie Howard Wilson Elementary
306 Florida Avenue
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 678-4211
Fax: 678-4217
Principal: Beverly Lynne
Jesse Keen Elementary
815 Plateau Avenue
Lakeland, 33815
Phone: 499-2880
Fax: 413-2506
Principal: Faye Wilson
Jewett School of the Arts
2250 8th Street NE
Winter Haven, 33881
Phone: 291-5373
Fax: 295-5963
Principal: Edith Henderson
Karen M. Siegel Academy
935 North Buena Vista
Lake Alfred, 33850
Phone: 965-5566
Fax: 968-5151
Principal: Donna Swindle
Kathleen Elementary
3515 Sheretz Road
Lakeland, 33810
Phone: 853-6030
Fax: 853-6033
Principal: Lana Tatom
Kingsford Elementary
1400 Dean Street
Mulberry, 33860
Phone: 701-1054
Fax: 701-1059
Principal: Brad Knopp
Lake Alfred Elementary
550 E. Cummings Street
Lake Alfred, 33850
Phone: 295-5985
Fax: 295-5987
Principal: Eileen Castle
Lake Marion Creek Elementary
3055 Lake Marion Creek Drive
Poinciana, 34759
Phone: 427-1471
Principal: Albert Pido
Lake Shipp Elementary
250 Camellia Dr
Winter Haven, 33880
Phone: 291-5384
Fax: 298-7511
Principal: Vicki Stangle
Lakeland Montessori Schoolhouse
837 E. Parker Street
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 413-0003
Fax: 413-0006
Principal: Josie Zinninger
Laurel Elementary
1851 Laurel Ave.
Poinciana, 34759
Phone: 427-1375
Principal: Julia Allen
Lena Vista Elementary
925 Berkley Road
Auburndale, 33823
Phone: 965-5464
Fax: 965-6274
Principal: Mary Payne
Lewis Anna Woodbury Elementary - Anna Woodbury Campus
610 S Charleston Ave
Fort Meade, 33841
Phone: 285-1133
Fax: 285-1138
Principal: Thaddeus Davis
Lewis Anna Woodbury Elementary - Lewis Campus
115 S Oak Avenue
Fort Meade, 33841
Phone: 285-1150
Fax: 285-1155
Principal: Thaddeus Davis
Lincoln Avenue Academy Magnet
1330 N. Lincoln Avenue
Lakeland, 33805
Phone: 499-2955
Fax: 499-2959
Principal: Evelyn Hollen
Loughman Oaks Elementary
4600 US Highway 17 92 N
Davenport, 33837
Phone: 421-3309
Fax: 421-3333
Principal: Jodi Lamb
McKeel Elementary
411 North Florida Avenue
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-1287
Fax: 688-1607
Principal: Steve Viers
Medulla Elementary
850 Schoolhouse Road
Lakeland, 33813
Phone: 648-3515
Fax: 648-3214
Principal: Jill Cheatham
North Lakeland Elementary
410 W Robson Street
Lakeland, 33805
Phone: 499-2850
Fax: 499-2760
Principal: Gregory Deal
Oscar J Pope Elementary
2730 Maine Avenue
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-2992
Fax: 499-2996
Principal: Janel Barber
Our Children's Academy
555 Burns Avenue
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 679-3338
Fax: 679-3944
Principal: Sharon McManus
Padgett Elementary
110 Leelon Road
Lakeland, 33809
Phone: 853-6044
Fax: 853-6092
Principal: Tanya Matthews
Palmetto Elementary
315 Palmetto St.
Poinciana, 34759
Phone: 427-6012
Fax: 427-6013
Principal: Luis Alvarez
Philip O'Brien Elementary
1225 E. Lime Street
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-2950
Fax: 688-8774
Principal: Merri Crawford
Pinewood Elementary
1400 Gilbert Street
Eagle Lake, 33839
Phone: 298-7977
Fax: 298-7978
Principal: Brenda Johnson
Polk Avenue Elementary
110 E. Polk Avenue
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 678-4244
Fax: 678-4680
Principal: Donna Dunson
Polk City Elementary
125 S. Bougainvillea Avenue
Polk City, 33868
Phone: 965-6338
Fax: 965-6340
Principal: Martin G. Young
Polk Life and Learning Center
1310 S. Floral Avenue
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7440
Fax: 519-3810
Principal: Jean O'Dell
Purcell Elementary
305 First Avenue NE
Mulberry, 33860
Phone: 701-1061
Fax: 701-1064
Principal: Ellistine Smith
R. Bruce Wagner Elementary
5500 Yates Road
Lakeland, 33811
Phone: 701-1450
Fax: 701-1457
Principal: Julie Ward
Ridgeview Global Studies Academy
1000 Dunson Road
Davenport, 33896
Phone: 419-3171
Fax: 419-3172
Principal: Ralph Frier
Rochelle School of the Arts
1501 Martin L King Jr. Ave
Lakeland, 33805
Phone: 499-2810
Fax: 499-2797
Principal: Jacquelyn Moore
Sandhill Elementary
1801 Tyner Road
Haines City, 33844
Phone: 419-3166
Fax: 419-3167
Principal: Sue Buckner
Scott Lake Elementary
1140 E. County Road 540A
Lakeland, 33813
Phone: 648-3520
Fax: 701-1076
Principal: Janet Wizda
Sikes Elementary
2727 Shepherd Road
Lakeland, 33811
Phone: 648-3525
Fax: 648-3187
Principal: Corey Swindler
Sleepy Hill Elementary
2285 Sleepy Hill Road
Lakeland, 33810
Phone: 815-6768
Fax: 815-6775
Principal: Julie Grice
Snively Elementary School of Choice
1004 Snively Ave
Winter Haven, 33880
Phone: 291-5325
Fax: 297-3080
Principal: Dr. JoAnn McKinney
Socrum Elementary
9400 Old Dade City Road
Lakeland, 33810
Phone: 853-6050
Fax: 853-6059
Principal: Jack Cline
South McKeel Elementary Academy
2222 Edgewood Drive South
Lakeland, 33815
Phone: 510-0044
Principal: Judith Morris
Southwest Elementary
2650 Southwest Avenue
Lakeland, 33803
Phone: 499-2830
Fax: 499-2943
Principal: Ellen Andersen
Spook Hill Elementary
321 Dr J A Wiltshire Ave E
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 678-4262
Fax: 678-4210
Principal: Eric Edwards
Stephens Elementary
1350 N. Maple Avenue
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7455
Fax: 534-0438
Principal: April Sumner
Valleyview Elementary
2900 E. County Road 540A
Lakeland, 33813
Phone: 648-3535
Fax: 648-3598
Principal: Ann Wellman
Wahneta Elementary
205 4th Wahneta St E
Winter Haven, 33880
Phone: 291-5392
Fax: 295-5962
Principal: Lisa Myers
Wendell Watson Elementary
6800 Walt Williams Road
Lakeland, 33809
Phone: 853-6060
Fax: 853-6056
Principal: Kathy Giroux
Winston Elementary
3415 Swindell Road
Lakeland, 33810
Phone: 499-2890
Fax: 499-2894
Principal: Terry Strong
Middle Schools
Bartow Middle
550 E. Clower Street
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7415
Fax: 534-7418
Principal: Danny Adams
Berkley Accelerated Middle
5316 Berkley Road
Auburndale, 33823
Phone: 984-2400
Principal: Jill Bolender
Blake Academy
510 Hartsell Avenue
Lakeland, 33815
Phone: 499-2870
Fax: 284-4521
Principal: Dr. Gwen Kessell
Bok Academy - Opening August 2008!
13895 Highway 27
Lake Wales, 33859
Phone: 638-1010
Fax: 638-1212
Principal: Donna Dunson
Boone Middle
225 S. 22nd Street
Haines City, 33844
Phone: 421-3302
Fax: 421-3305
Principal: Nancy Leonard
Crystal Lake Middle
2410 N. Crystal Lake Drive
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-2970
Fax: 603-6267
Principal: Chris Canning
Daniel Jenkins Academy Middle
701 Ledwith Avenue
Haines City, 33844
Phone: 421-3267
Fax: 421-3269
Principal: Eileen Killebrew
Davenport School of the Arts
8 W Palmetto Street
Davenport, 33837
Phone: 421-3247
Fax: 421-3662
Principal: Brian Kier
Denison Middle
400 Avenue A. SE
Winter Haven, 33880
Phone: 291-5353
Fax: 291-5347
Principal: Linda Williams
Discovery Academy of Lake Alfred
1000 N. Buena Vista Dr.
Lake Alfred, 33850
Phone: 295-5955
Fax: 295-5978
Principal: Kevin Warren
Doris A Sanders Learning Center
1201 Enchanted Drive
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-2980
Fax: 603-6326
Principal: Debra Peavey
Dundee Ridge Middle
5555 Lake Trask Road
Dundee, 33838
Phone: 419-3088
Fax: 419-3157
Principal: Kathryn Blackburn
Fort Meade Middle-Senior
700 Edgewood Dr N
Fort Meade, 33841
Phone: 285-1180
Fax: 285-1186
Principal: Arthur Martinez
Foundation Charter School
1325 George Jenkins Blvd.
Lakeland, 33815
Phone: 682-8111
Fax: 687-8205
Principal: Emory Welch
Frostproof Middle-Senior
1000 N Palm Ave
Frostproof, 33843
Phone: 635-7809
Fax: 635-7812
Principal: Steve White
Gause Academy
1395 Polk St
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7425
Fax: 519-3716
Principal: Bob Grocki
Jewett Middle Academy
601 Avenue T NE
Winter Haven, 33881
Phone: 291-5320
Fax: 297-3049
Principal: Linda Ray
Jewett School of the Arts
2250 8th Street NE
Winter Haven, 33881
Phone: 291-5373
Fax: 295-5963
Principal: Edith Henderson
Karen M. Siegel Academy
935 North Buena Vista
Lake Alfred, 33850
Phone: 965-5566
Fax: 968-5151
Principal: Donna Swindle
Kathleen Middle
3627 Kathleen Pines
Lakeland, 33810
Phone: 853-6040
Fax: 853-6037
Principal: Brett Butler
Lake Alfred-Addair Middle
925 N. Buena Vista Drive
Lake Alfred, 33850
Phone: 295-5988
Fax: 295-5989
Principal: Asonja Corbett
Lake Gibson Middle
6901 N. Socrum Loop Road
Lakeland, 33809
Phone: 853-6151
Fax: 853-6171
Principal: John Barber
Lakeland Highlands Middle
740 Lake Miriam Drive
Lakeland, 33813
Phone: 648-3500
Fax: 648-3580
Principal: Robert Hartley
Lawton Chiles Middle Academy
400 N. Florida Avenue
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-2742
Fax: 499-2774
Principal: Sharon Neuman
Mark Wilcox Center
611 Post Avenue SW
Winter Haven, 33880
Phone: 291-5355
Fax: 291-5723
Principal: Audrey Kelley
McKeel Academy
1810 West Parker Street
Lakeland, 33815
Phone: 499-2818
Fax: 284-4383
Principal: Andrea Whiteley, Joyce Powell
McLaughlin Middle School and Fine Arts Academy
800 S. 4th Street
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 678-4233
Fax: 678-4033
Principal: Matt Burkett
Mulberry Middle
500 Se 9th Ave
Mulberry, 33860
Phone: 701-1066
Fax: 701-1068
Principal: Michael Young
New Horizons
6980 S. State Rd. 37
Mulberry, 33830
Phone: 428-1520
Fax: 428-2204
Principal: Katherine Caldwell
Polk Life and Learning Center
1310 S. Floral Avenue
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7440
Fax: 519-3810
Principal: Jean O'Dell
Rochelle School of the Arts
1501 Martin L King Jr. Ave
Lakeland, 33805
Phone: 499-2810
Fax: 499-2797
Principal: Jacquelyn Moore
Roosevelt Academy
115 E Street
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 678-4252
Fax: 678-4250
Principal: Debra Edwards
Sleepy Hill Middle
2215 Sleepy Hill Road
Lakeland, 33810
Phone: 815-6577
Fax: 815-6586
Principal: Mark Thomas
Southwest Middle
2815 Eden Pkwy
Lakeland, 33803
Phone: 499-2840
Fax: 499-2762
Principal: John Wilson
Stambaugh Middle
226 N. Main Street
Auburndale, 33823
Phone: 965-5494
Fax: 965-5496
Principal: Allison Kalbfleisch
Union Academy Magnet
1795 E. Wabash Street
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7435
Fax: 534-7487
Principal: Steve Petrie
Westwood Middle
3520 Avenue J NW
Winter Haven, 33881
Phone: 965-5484
Fax: 965-5585
Principal: Jose Pere
High Schools
Auburndale Senior
1 Bloodhound Trail
Auburndale, 33823
Phone: 965-6200
Fax: 965-6245
Principal: John Hill
Bartow Senior
1270 S Broadway Ave
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7400
Fax: 534-0077
Principal: Ronald Pritchard
Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School
999 Avenue H N.E.
Winter Haven, 33881
Phone: 298-6800
Fax: 298-6800
Principal: Bridget Fetter
Daniel Jenkins Academy High
701 Ledwith Avenue
Haines City, 33844
Phone: 421-3267
Fax: 421-3269
Principal: Eileen Killebrew
Doris A Sanders Learning Center
1201 Enchanted Drive
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-2980
Fax: 603-6326
Principal: Debra Peavey
Fort Meade Middle-Senior
700 Edgewood Dr N
Fort Meade, 33841
Phone: 285-1180
Fax: 285-1186
Principal: Arthur Martinez
Foundation Charter School
1325 George Jenkins Blvd.
Lakeland, 33815
Phone: 682-8111
Fax: 687-8205
Principal: Emory Welch
Frostproof Middle-Senior
1000 N Palm Ave
Frostproof, 33843
Phone: 635-7809
Fax: 635-7812
Principal: Steve White
Gause Academy
1395 Polk St
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7425
Fax: 519-3716
Principal: Bob Grocki
George Jenkins Senior
6000 Lakeland Highlands Road
Lakeland, 33813
Phone: 648-3566
Fax: 648-3573
Principal: Buddy Thomas
Haines City Senior
2800 Hornet Drive
Haines City, 33844
Phone: 421-3281
Fax: 421-3283
Principal: Deborah Elmore
Harrison School for the Arts
750 Hollingsworth Road
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-2855
Fax: 499-2938
Principal: Craig Collins
International Baccalaureate
1270 S Broadway Ave
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-0194
Fax: 534-0077
Principal: Ed Vetter
International Baccalaureate East
2800 Hornet Drive
Haines City, 33844
Phone: 419-3371
Fax: 419-3373
Principal: Sue Braiman
Karen M. Siegel Academy
935 North Buena Vista
Lake Alfred, 33850
Phone: 965-5566
Fax: 968-5151
Principal: Donna Swindle
Kathleen Senior
2600 Crutchfield Road
Lakeland, 33805
Phone: 499-2655
Fax: 499-2726
Principal: Cecil McClellan
Lake Gibson Senior
7007 N. Socrum Loop Road
Lakeland, 33809
Phone: 853-6100
Fax: 853-6108
Principal: Ralph Gilchrest
Lake Region Senior
1995 Thunder Road
Eagle Lake, 33839
Phone: 297-3099
Fax: 297-3097
Principal: Joel McGuire
Lake Wales Senior
#1 Highlander Way
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 678-4222
Fax: 678-4064
Principal: Clark Berry
Lakeland Senior
726 Hollingsworth Rd
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-2900
Fax: 499-2917
Principal: Tracy Collins
Life Skills Center
407 E. Memorial Blvd.
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 683-6279
Fax: 802-3547
Principal: Ilene Young
Life Skills Center - Polk East
7500 Cypress Gardens Blvd.
Winter Haven, 33884
Phone: 439-2242
Fax: 439-5544
Principal: Ashlee Wright
Mark Wilcox Center
611 Post Avenue SW
Winter Haven, 33880
Phone: 291-5355
Fax: 291-5723
Principal: Audrey Kelley
McKeel Academy
1810 West Parker Street
Lakeland, 33815
Phone: 499-2818
Fax: 284-4383
Principal: Andrea Whiteley, Joyce Powell
Mulberry Senior
Northeast Fourth Circle
Mulberry, 33860
Phone: 701-1104
Fax: 701-1109
Principal: Patricia Barnes
New Horizons
6980 S. State Rd. 37
Mulberry, 33830
Phone: 428-1520
Fax: 428-2204
Principal: Katherine Caldwell
PCC Collegiate High School
3425 Winter Lake Rd. LAC Bldg.
Lakeland, 33803
Phone: 669-2322
Principal: Sallie Brisbane
Polk Life and Learning Center
1310 S. Floral Avenue
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7440
Fax: 519-3810
Principal: Jean O'Dell
Polk Virtual School
Online School
No physical address,
Phone: 534-7214
Fax: 534-7215
Principal: Donna Nicolodi
Ridge Career Center
7700 State Road 544
Winter Haven, 33881
Phone: 419-3060
Fax: 419-3062
Principal: Lisa Harden
Ridge Community Senior
500 Orchid Drive
Davenport, 33837
Phone: 419-3315
Fax: 419-3321
Principal: Sherry Wells
Roosevelt Academy
115 E Street
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 678-4252
Fax: 678-4250
Principal: Debra Edwards
Summerlin Academy
1270 S. Broadway Avenue
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 534-7287
Fax: 534-0377
Principal: Michael Butler
Tenoroc Senior - Opening August 2008!
4905 Saddle Creek Road
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 614-9183
Fax: 614-9192
Principal: Ernest Joe
Traviss Career Center
3225 Winter Lake Road
Lakeland, 33803
Phone: 499-2700
Fax: 499-2706
Principal: Kenneth Lloyd
Winter Haven Senior
600 6th St Se
Winter Haven, 33880
Phone: 291-5330
Fax: 297-3024
Principal: Gina William
Prep - Private - Special Education
Geneva Classical Academy
4410 East CR 540-A
Lakeland, FL 33813
Phone: 644-1408
Fax: 619-5841
E-Mail: Email: info@genevaclassicalacademy.com
Principal: Charles Clendinen
Auburndale Central Elementary
820 Marcum Road
Lakeland FL 33809
Phone: 858-0671
Fax: 858-0876
Principal: Rev. Nicholas J. O’Brien
Vanguard School
22000 U.S. Highway 27
Lake Wales, 33859-6858
Phone: 676-6091
Fax: 676-8297
Principal: Dr. Cathy Wooley-Brown
E-Mail: vanadmin@vanguardschool.org
A.C.E. Charter School
710 E Bella Vista St
Lakeland, 33805
Phone: 686-3189
Fax: 682-1348
Principal: Sue Snover
Achievement Academy - Bartow
695 E Summerlin St
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 533-0690
Principal: Paula Sullivan
Valleyview Elementary
2900 E. County Road 540A
Lakeland, 33813
Phone: 648-3535
Fax: 648-3598
Principal: Ann Wellman
A.C.E. Charter School
710 E Bella Vista St
Lakeland, 33805
Phone: 686-3189
Fax: 682-1348
Principal: Sue Snover
Achievement Academy - Bartow
695 E Summerlin St
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 533-0690
Principal: Paula Sullivan
Achievement Academy - Lakeland
716 E Bella Vista Street
Lakeland, 33805
Phone: 683-6504
Principal: Paula Sullivan
Achievement Academy - Winter Haven
2211 28th St Nw
Winter Haven, 33880
Phone: 965-7586
Principal: Paula Sullivan
Babson Park Elementary
815 N. Scenic Highway
Babson Park, 33827
Phone: 678-4664
Fax: 678-4669
Principal: Kenneth Henson
Berkley Accelerated Middle
5316 Berkley Road
Auburndale, 33823
Phone: 984-2400
Principal: Jill Bolender
Berkley Elementary
5240 Berkley Road
Auburndale, 33823
Phone: 968-5024
Fax: 968-5026
Principal: Randy Borland
Bok Academy
13895 Highway 27
Lake Wales, 33859
Phone: 638-1010
Fax: 638-1212
Principal: Donna Dunson
Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School
999 Avenue H N.E.
Winter Haven, 33881
Phone: 298-6800
Fax: 298-6800
Principal: Bridget Fetter
Compass Middle Charter
550 E. Clower Street
Bartow, 33830
Phone: 519-8701
Fax: 519-8704
Principal: Harry Williams
Discovery Academy of Lake Alfred
1000 N. Buena Vista Dr.
Lake Alfred, 33850
Phone: 295-5955
Fax: 295-5978
Principal: Kevin Warren
Foundation Charter School
1325 George Jenkins Blvd.
Lakeland, 33815
Phone: 682-8111
Fax: 687-8205
Principal: Emory Welch
Hartridge Academy
1400 Us Highway 92
Winter Haven, 33881
Phone: 956-4434
Fax: 956-3267
Principal: Debra Richards
Hillcrest Elementary
1051 State Road 60 E.
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 678-4216
Fax: 678-4086
Principal: Damien Moses
Janie Howard Wilson Elementary
306 Florida Avenue
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 678-4211
Fax: 678-4217
Principal: Beverly Lynne
Lake Wales Senior
#1 Highlander Way
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 678-4222
Fax: 678-4064
Principal: Clark Berry
Lakeland Montessori Schoolhouse
837 E. Parker Street
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 413-0003
Fax: 413-0006
Principal: Josie Zinninger
Life Skills Center
407 E. Memorial Blvd.
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 683-6279
Fax: 802-3547
Principal: Ilene Young
Life Skills Center - Polk East
7500 Cypress Gardens Blvd.
Winter Haven, 33884
Phone: 439-2242
Fax: 439-5544
Principal: Ashlee Wright
McKeel Academy
1810 West Parker Street
Lakeland, 33815
Phone: 499-2818
Fax: 284-4383
Principal: Andrea Whiteley, Joyce Powell
McKeel Elementary
411 North Florida Avenue
Lakeland, 33801
Phone: 499-1287
Fax: 688-1607
Principal: Steve Viers
Our Children's Academy
555 Burns Avenue
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 679-3338
Fax: 679-3944
Principal: Sharon McManus
PCC Collegiate High School
3425 Winter Lake Rd. LAC Bldg.
Lakeland, 33803
Phone: 669-2322
Principal: Sallie Brisbane
Polk Avenue Elementary
110 E. Polk Avenue
Lake Wales, 33853
Phone: 678-4244
Fax: 678-4680
Principal: Donna Dunson
Ridgeview Global Studies Academy
1000 Dunson Road
Davenport, 33896
Phone: 419-3171
Fax: 419-3172
Principal: Ralph Frier
South McKeel Elementary Academy
2222 Edgewood Drive South
Lakeland, 33815
Phone: 510-0044
Principal: Judith Morris
Florida Polytechnic University
4700 Research Way
Lakeland, 33815
Phone: 863-583-9050
*Information provided by Polk County Public Schools Website
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